I am Breathing Fine
Sometimes when I’m in a crowded area or enclosed space, I realize everyone around me is also breathing and subsequently can be spreading sickness. My breath can be from their breath, so I start breathing slower to not breath other peoples breath as fast. The composition I made are from sketches of a painting I made last year where I had to depict something I was afraid of (which is sickness), except this time I left the sickness out of the composition because I have to remind myself I am breathing fine.
Standard Edition, edition size of 8
Variable Edition, edition size of 1, experimenting with a different paper size.
Proof Prints, edition size of 10
Quick overview of how it was made:
I used a scribe to create my composition using only dots which were then etched into the plate
etched plate with it’s first round of ink for my proof prints
First print made
*I’m required to select a creative field in order to publish, this is not drawing, this is etching, but their is no option for etching or printmaking*
I am Breathing Fine

I am Breathing Fine
